The misuse of alcohol can be overwhelming and scary, and it can be hard to determine if you even have a problem in the first place. The longer that one misuses alcohol, the greater the likelihood is that one can develop an alcohol use disorder (often referred to as alcohol abuse or alcoholism).
Dealing with alcohol and drug addiction can drastically impact both your personal and professional life. It not only takes a toll on you, but the addiction can often affect your loved ones, as well. If you have been misusing alcohol for a long time, it will likely be challenging to break the cycle on your own. That is why the many alcohol detox programs in Chicago, Illinois exist: to help you get and stay on the road to recovery.
Detoxification Facilities and Services in Chicago
Alcohol detox services in Chicago aim to help people struggling with alcohol and drug addictions to accomplish their goals to live healthy, happy, sober, and productive lives. Many alcohol detox centers in Chicago will customize an array of inpatient and outpatient medical treatments to treat you as necessary.
With teams of licensed medical professionals who have extensive knowledge about alcohol detoxification, these alcohol detox facilities provide safe treatment plans to help people retain long-term sobriety. Whether you opt for an inpatient or outpatient detoxification treatment, you want to find the right individualized plan at a detox Chicago facility that follows the highest level of patient care.
What are Detox and Withdrawal Symptoms with Alcohol Use Disorder?
Detox treatment is often considered the first step in the treatment of alcohol misuse. Individuals struggling with an addiction to alcohol begin to experience withdrawal symptoms shortly after they stop drinking. According to addiction treatment experts, the intensity and severity of withdrawal symptoms vary from patient to patient. There is no denying that withdrawal symptoms may be uncomfortable and even painful, and that is why many people are tempted to go back to drinking to relieve the discomfort.
As withdrawal symptoms during alcohol detox may be challenging and unpleasant, addiction treatment experts may recommend inpatient (residential) treatment. However, whether you are in an inpatient or an outpatient program, medical and professional help and assistance are available to you as you go through the detox process. With professional support, the detox process is more comfortable and more likely to lead to long-term success.
Some of the side effects that may come with withdrawal from alcohol during the detox period include:
- Headaches
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Irritability
- Insomnia
- Diarrhea
- Nausea/vomiting
- Increased blood pressure
- Fatigue
Inpatient vs. Outpatient Care for Alcohol Detox Chicago
There are many options for alcohol detox in Chicago, and choosing the right facility for you is a very important step. One way to narrow down your search is to first determine if you need inpatient or outpatient care.
Inpatient care (residential treatment) involves living in a facility and focusing on your health and detox only. At inpatient facilities in Chicago, you will be receiving round-the-clock care and treatment. On the other hand, outpatient care involves attending a facility in Chicago for regular meetings, treatments, and programs while still living at home and maintaining parts of your regular daily routine.
A proper assessment at one of Chicago’s alcohol detox centers will help to determine whether inpatient or outpatient care is right for you.
Alcohol Detox in Chicago at CRC Institute
If your alcohol detox Chicago research leads you to CRC Institute, you will discover an integrated center for healing that focuses on treating all aspects of you. At CRC, we are with you every step of the way during your alcohol detox. Our program is an outpatient program, meaning you will be living in your own home while participating in your customized treatment program.
There is no set time that you will be participating in alcohol detox at CRC because that is dependent on your progress and on your individual needs. Other factors that will influence your time in alcohol treatment include previous treatment experience and co-occurring conditions. Our team will look at you as a whole and then determine the best treatment plan.
CRC consists of the best doctors and clinicians and is here to help you on your road to recovery. With a patient-focused approach to reduce and overcome an alcohol addiction, the focus at CRC is:
- To offer treatments that can heal the body, soul, and mind of patients
- To enable those who prefer to go through detox at home to be safe and supported
- To incorporate an evidence-based treatment model
- To empower individuals to feel secure, safe, and comfortable before, during, and after treatment
- To address co-occurring mental health issues
At CRC, we want to create lasting change and see you succeed on your road to recovery. We are not here to “fix” you but rather to support you and your family through an ongoing continuum of care.
What Will Alcohol Detox at CRC Look Like?
The first step in the detox process at CRC is to have you meet with our intake team, where you will receive a full medical assessment. After the assessment is complete, it is time to put a customized plan into place, one that considers you, your family, your history, and your needs. In order to create this plan, you will have to consider all of the recommendations that are being made on your behalf and then choose the treatments that sound like the right fit for you.
Your alcohol treatment plan at CRC may include everything from group and family therapy to meditation and acupuncture. Most importantly, the plan is going to be flexible as your path to healing may require different solutions along the way. Some of these other solutions and treatments may include nutrition, exercise, and psychiatry.
Yet, the first step is detox, and what that will look like is really based on you, your history, and your individualized needs. As your body withdraws from alcohol, you may experience a range of symptoms during the first few days. While withdrawal symptoms may last for weeks, the most severe ones usually subside after the first few days.
Our team at CRC will support you through the days and weeks of your detoxification. This outpatient alcohol detox allows you to be in your home while also receiving necessary care and support from our team at CRC.
Will My Family Be Involved in My Alcohol Detox?
Depending on the facility that you use for addiction counseling, your family may be involved in your treatment. At CRC in Chicago, we believe that whole-family healing is an integral part of the recovery process. Oftentimes, with addiction counseling, families are an afterthought. CRC’s integrated center for healing, however, focuses on educating families and patients on the most loving, compassionate, effective solutions to recreate their lives.
Chicago Rehab Center also understands that some patients and their family members may be reluctant to engage in therapy. With understanding and patience, our team is here to support all family members, even those who are not ready to get involved in treatment.
Ready to Explore Alcohol Detox in Chicago? Call CRC Today!
We are here to support you and your family with an alcohol detox program. Our goal is to make the detox process as comfortable and safe as possible. Further, at CRC, your alcohol detox occurs, with our support, from the comfort of your own home.
To learn more about alcohol detox in Chicago, call CRC.
Dr. Beth Dunlap, a board-certified addiction medicine and family medicine physician, is the medical director at CRC Institute, where she is responsible for overseeing all the integrated medical services at the Institute. Beth completed medical school, residency, and fellowship at Northwestern University, where she continues to serve on the faculty as a member of the Department of Family and Community Medicine. She has extensive experience in addiction medicine at all levels of care, and her clinical interests include integrated primary care and addiction medicine, harm reduction, and medication-assisted treatment.